This film is by far one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. The reason why is NOT because there was lots of blood, and it made you jump ever two seconds because a man with a chainsaw chased the characters around. It was scary because it seem VERY REALISTIC. Like this shit can happen if your spirit isn't in the right place! I will not say too much in detail because Im sure folks are still making there way to see it. I highly recommend it and ONLY if you can handle a good scare. I am not scared too easily and I promise you I nearly freaked out when I returned home and heard some noises in my crib:). I don't think I will lose sleep over it BUT I am definitely more aware of my surroundings and lil noises Im hearing all of a sudden:) go see it if you want to get a good scare that will linger even after you've left the movie theater!
This movie screwed me up after seeing it! Lol. Very good though. That was some craziness...I agree. It definitely made me more aware of my surroundings.